Bricks from the waste dirt

Bricks from the waste dirt
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Housing is a big issue across the world. It is becoming costlier by the day. People are finding ways and means to build affordable and low costing houses. For that, they are planning to make alternative and cheap material for the construction. Elon Musk the billionaire of Boring co has come up with a novel idea of making bricks from the waste dirt that comes out of tunnels that the company is digging in various places.

Here in India, we are using bricks made of fly ash that are light in weight, economical and durable. The regular bricks are costing from Rs 8 to Rs 10 which are of good quality.

The bricks are made from the excavated muck out of the tunnels and the same will be used for low-cost housing and for all the office construction of Elon Musk the business tycoon. These days musk is dating a musician and a signer and is getting great ideas to reduce the cost of housing. In Hyderabad, a yard of land is costing one and half lakh rupees and the prices of steel, cement and sand are skyrocketing. In such a context buying land is a big issue and then construction is another issue.

When tycoons like Musk are coming up with cheaper alternatives of making bricks, the Indian Government and also the Telangana government also must think of making the construction affordable. Thanks to KCR he is giving free double bedroom houses to the poor.

These days some of them are also using panels instead of bricks as the bricks are very costly. Taking all this into consideration Musk has decided to make bricks from the muck and he wants to make it on commercial lines.

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