The Bra size discounts ..

The Bra size discounts ..
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A Chinese restaurant has been criticized for an unusual offer to its female patrons.

Located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Trendy Shrimp was offering discounts based on their bra sizes, Qianjiang Evening Post reported.

According to Fox News, A- cup bra would get a 5% discount, B- cup 15% and C- cup was entitled to 25%.

The Bra size discounts ..

They even promoted the offer with a poster of cartoon women. The caption BBC reported reads: “The whole city is looking for BREASTS.”

One Hangzhou resident told the Evening Post the advertisement is “vulgar” and is “discriminatory against women”.

The Bra size discounts ..

Many others in the area who also found it revolting and distasteful called the mayor’s office to complain and have the advertisement removed.

The restaurant’s general manager Lan Shenggang reportedly revealed the posters were removed and the promotion was discontinued.

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