Allu Aravind has announced that he would be doing a movie with Boyapati Srinivas. Boyapait has delivered a dud for Charan earlier. But Aravind who heard the new story from Boyapati is impressed with the line. He is taking the debacle of Vinaya Vidheya Rama very light.
Afterall Boyapait gave Sarainodu for Allu Arjun which was a hit.
Now Allu Aravind wants Boyapati to do a movie for Chiranjeevi under Geeta Arts Banner. Geeta Arts is right now busy with many projects while Allu Arjun is working with Trivikram Srinivas.
Chiranjeevi the Mega hero is working with Koratal for his next after Syeraa. That is final and it is a hockey story like Chek De India. But what next is the question? Chiranjeevi has heard the storyline from Trivikram Srinivas and Allu Aravind ahs like the line from Boyapati Srinivas.
It has to be seen which Srinivas will get the Chiranjeevi 153.
Getting a movie from Chiranjeevi the mega hero is a prestige issue for the directors. It looks like Allu Aravind will prevail upon Chiranjeevi for Boyapati line and they might go ahead after the movie of Koratala.
On the other hand, Allu is working for mega Ramayana with Animation with a big budget. He is also planning for a movie with Mahesh babu and Parasuram.