BJP President Amit Shah said that the BJP will rule the Country for another 50 years meaning around 10 terms. He exuded confidence that there was no alternative to the BJP and its policies and that the Congress was almost wiped out of the country. The people are rejecting the Rahul Gandhi and his dynasty rule he said. Shah was speaking at the 2-day National executive meeting of the party here.
Amit Shah has claimed that the BJP has done exceedingly well and crossed the Congress performance by leaps and bounds. To this Rahul who was organising Bharat Bandh said that what Shah said was true.
Rahul explained that hatred was increasing, the Indians are fighting with each other. The rupee is lowest in 70 years. Fuel prices are hitting the roof day in and day out. The country is getting divided and the youth are under the distress with unrest and no employment he said. He was addressing a rally here at the Ramlila grounds as part of Bharat Bandh. BJP is for the development of the rich people he opined.
All said and done the future of BJP depends on the outcome of the elections of the 4 states to be held this year-end. If BJP can get the majority in the 4 states it is a clear indication that the people want BJP to continue.