The TRS leader Nandu Bilal did not allow the Assam CM Hemanth Biswa sarma to talk from the BGUS dais at Mojam Jahi market today. Both the TRS and BJP leaders gave slogans against each other while Assam CM continued his speech.
The police have taken away the TRS leader from the marketplace. The CM was seen smiling at the TRS leaders when he tried to take the mike on the dais.
People came in large numbers to the MJ market as part of the Shoba Yatra here in Hyderabad. Some women gave slogans against Modi by shouting Modi- Kedi.
BJP Etela Rajendar said that it was the duty of the TRS Government to provide security to Assam CM. The TRS has done it for political mileage he opined.
The CM was speaking in vulgar language at MJ market opined Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav. It was Governor yesterday and it is CM today he said.
He condemned the speech of Assam CM. This is not right on the part of the BJP to talk against the CM KCR he said. Why this political speech he questioned.
But there was a clear-cut security Lapse from the police side. There was an altercation about putting flexis near the stage.
There was an intelligence failure also in allowing the CM of another state to Hyderabad.