BJP single largest-not close to majority numbers

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In Manipur and Goa, the BJP played back door politics stitched an alliance and formed the government while the single largest party was the Congress. But now Yeddyurappa argues being the single largest party and that the Congress was playing backdoor politics.

If the BJP can stitch alliance and form the Government the Congress also has every right to do so.

But the Governor is giving an opportunity to the BJP to prove its majority.

There are rumours that the Lingayat leaders are trying to quit from the Congress and also JDS to join the BJP which will give the BJP the required majority and form the Government. Amit Shah is actually playing the back door game now to get the majority on the floor of the house.

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The BJP requires another 8 MLAs to take the CMs post and it is likely that they may get more of them to join them for clinching the power. But if you go by the earlier examples the Congress and JDS can join together to form the Government and also stake a claim for power. But before that, the BJP will get the chance to prove the majority as the single largest party and they will prove it that are in majority.

There ends the matter and there may not be any chance for the Congress combine to prove the majority on the floor. The next two days will be very interesting and Kumara Swamy Gowda may be having sleepless nights. The BJP ministers and core team are in a huddle with Amit Shah and a strategy is being adopted to form the Government in Karnataka.

They want to leave no stone unturned to claim the power in the 21st state. Both the Congress and the BJP have met the Governor and have staked a claim for the post. As of now the Congress and JDS have 118 MLAs. The BJP has 104.

Mamatha is supporting Gowda against the BJP. This way BJP is the single largest party but nowhere close to the majority.

u srinivas



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