BJP membership drive

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Now that the BJP could not get the majority on its own in the Parliament, it has to improve itself in the membership drive. The drive will begin from September 2.

All the state leadership were alerted to take new members and renew the old members.

All existing members of the BJP have to renew their membership every six years. The current drive will be marked by the renewal of existing membership as well as making new members.

The BJP had earlier announced that the party aims to induct more than 10-crore members during the drive, which will not cover the states going to polls in the coming months. The party’s membership strength was 18 crores after the last such exercise.

It has expressed hope that the party will surpass the figure this time.

New members will be made through four methods — calling a mobile number (8800002024), scanning a QR code, via NaMo app and through the BJP’s website. However, the party will use the traditional method with papers to enrol new members in remote areas.

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