BJP President Amit Shah said the party is with the people of Kerala and devotees of Ayyappa. The religious rules and regulations have to be observed he opined. Women of a certain age are not allowed in the Temple and they have to follow that he opined.
There are certain temples for women only and the men don’t enter the temple he said. Men and women are equal but the restrictions before the god are different he explained.
He found fault with the Kerala government for arresting more than 2000 people who were demonstrating at the Ayyappa temple. The sanctity of the God and also the temple should be protected he opined. The BJP is like a rock with the sentiments of the people and Ayyappa devotees he assured.
The Government cannot arrest the people like that he opined. Kerala government, on the other hand, was trying to implement the court rules which said that women of all ages can enter the Ayyappa Temple. So far no women below 50 could enter the temple and court rules could not be implemented.