BJP derails in Telangana

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We will get stronger in Telangana. We will rise to the level of the main opposition. If everything is compatible, better results will come,” Union Minister Gadkari said.

In other words, Gadkari has accepted that BJP won’t be coming to power in the coming elections. The Union minister’s comments have exposed the State leadership’s false claims that they would come to power in Telangana.

In fact, after the Karnataka poll results, the BJP was pushed to the third place in the State, with the ruling BRS remaining the first choice, and the Congress, a distant second.

There were widespread rumors that the BJP and BRS are hands in glove in the state of Telangana. Minorities are also looking at Congress for a change this time it is reported.

MIM will contest in about two dozen seats and this will mar the chances of BRS to some extent. The main contest will be between Congress and BRS.

There is no question of the BJP coming to power in Telangana. The changes in the BJP here will also have a bearing on the coming elections.

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