Kamalnath the senior Congress leader said that the BJP should be branded as Balatkar Janata Party. He said that around 20 BJP lawmakers are said to be in rape cases according to some media reports. The other day Kuldeep Singh MLA was booked for rape.
The people must consider if the name of the BJP should be changed to Balatkar Janata party he ridiculed. Kuldeep was arrested on rape charges by the CBI.
The police have registered a case of abduction, rape, criminal intimidation and for protection of children. Candlelight marches are being done across the country. Rahul Gandhi, Robert Vadra and Priyanka have also participated in the candlelight protest.
Rahul Gandhi wanted Pm Modi to break the silence and speak about the rapes. He opined that there was no protection for the women. Justice should be done he stated.
The BJP Government is under distress over the rape cases and also in terms of law and order in some states. An MLA being booked for rape is very bad for the image of the party. While Modi is trying to come closer to Dalits, his lawmakers are in trouble with rape cases.