Being single is boring says Ranbir

Being single is boring says Ranbir
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After the break up with Katrina “Being single is boring. It’s boring, frustrating, it’s extremely lonely, and happiness is only there when it’s shared says the Bollywood boy Ranbir Kapoor. When you have somebody, it kind of just ground you, brings a sense of balance to things. Yeah, so being single is no fun,” Ranbir says. And while he maybe sort of ready to mingle now, he won’t be picking out the placemats just yet. “I could have a family at the age of 40, 45, 50. I don’t think my time is running out. he said.

Yes, they’re ending on a cliff hanger. But, of course, there’s another cliffhanger that fans and the media had been hanging on to (he would argue for far too long) which was, of course, the one revolving around his co-star and former girlfriend, the lovely Katrina Kaif. But are the professional front they are together. They want to work together. No one knows what actually is happening at the personal front.

Being single is boring says Ranbir

Their’s was the ultimate Bollywood romance and the pair at the heart of it were subjected to Brangelina levels of scrutiny: every step that could be chronicled, was – from the holidays on the Spanish coast to cosy clinches on the balcony of the home they shared. And in fact, while he has nothing but praise for “the single most influential person in his life” he will not extend anything close to that to the headline-makers and click baiters of the world.

“You know, these websites just cook up stories and lies he opined. They hide behind a source or question mark and lot of news channels pick up from there because that’s their source. There is no iota of truth to it and yeah, it’s sad. Because my grandmother sits and reads papers, she believes it. And if my grandmother believes it, I’m sure like, India’s believing it too.”

Being single is boring says Ranbir

And yet, he’s more candid on the subject of Katrina now than he ever was when they were together. “When I was in a relationship, it was polluted with misconceptions. Now when I’m not, I didn’t want another set of misconceptions to start.

Ranbir says” I wanted to have a dignified closure to it. To give it the respect I felt. And I’m not even a percent of the respect that I think I need to give it.” And part of that is dispensing once and for all with the playboy tag that has dogged from the beginning.’ He says he is a romantic, who isn’t just ready he’s waiting to settle, not down necessarily but into something.

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