Jubilee Hills the VIP constituency mixed with Cine glamour is in great demand. Both Bandla Ganesh and Vishnu the son PJanradhan Reddy are looking at this seat. TDP is also interested in this seat and the survey done by the Andhra Intelligence has revealed that TDP would win this seat if they take it from the Congress. There is three side demand for this seat under the Mahakutami tag.
There are three candidates ready from the Kutami with TDP and Congress affiliations. Earlier the seat was won by Gopinath Reddy under TDP and now he has shifted to TRS. It was wrested from Congress and Vishnu was the Congress MLA then from the Jubilee hills.
TRS has given it to the sitting member Maganti. Maganti Gopinath is the brother of Maganti Ravindranath Chowdary a film producer from a rich family.
But the demand is very high now. 2 Congress candidates and one TDP candidate are demanding this seat. The constituency has a mix of cinema and political circles apart from the slum and also Muslim population. The sitting candidate who shifted to TRS is a good MLA and has no complaints. But Bandla and Vishnu are at loggerheads for the same seat from the Congress and TDP feels that they can win the seat. That means mahakutami has 3 candidates for Jubilee hills. People thought that Bandla Ganesh was looking at Shadnagar, but he changed his mind and is gunning for Jubilee hills.