Bandi gets loads of publicity

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All the media channels are playing the story of Bandi Sanjay and his arrest. The BRS Government gave Bandi an opportunity and yesterday it was all Bandi Snajay the BJP Chief on the media.

The report given to the parliament says that he was arrested and released. He was arrested in the name of conspiracy. Now the matter is in the court, and the court has suggested that Bandi can apply for bail.

He is supposed to be attending the PMs program in Hyderabad on 8th. While Bandi was being discussed, the police arrested Raja Singh the MLA.

He was prevented from attending the Hanuman Jayanthi Shobha Yatra in Hyderabad. Notices were also issued to Etela Rajendar another MLA who also received the SSC paper on phone.

But this will also give good mileage to Etela Rajendar. Kishan Reddy the Union Minister said that they would fight it out politically and also legally.

The court questioned the police that how can we call it a leak when the question paper was already in the public domain. The quash petition of Sanjay was posted for Monday.

All said and done the BJP is getting publicity in one way or the other due to the police and the Government’s decisions.

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