Natasimham Balaiahs birthday was celebrated at the Basavatharakam cancer hospital named after his mother. Blood donation camp was conducted by his fans and Balaiah said that this hospital was established to serve the poor and needy. The TRS Government gave a lot of concessions to the hospital and that KTR has visited this centre recently.
TheHindupur MLA who made some controversial remarks against the PM Modi kept a low profile and talked about the well being of the society so on and so forth. A lot of fans barged into the hospital and created hungama shouting slogans for Balaiah. Some fans came from his constituency Hindupur and greeted Balaiah.
The industry walas thought that Balaiah might start a new movie on his birthday, but nothing of that sort was planned and it was all a low key affair here at the hospital. There are reports that Balaiah was planning a movie with his favourite director Boyapati Sreenu. Even Puri Jagannath is also asking for the dates of Balaiah. His movie Puri- paisa vasool was an average hit, but people talked about it.