Balakrishna along with Shruthi Hasan has launched the 107nth movie in style with Gopichand Malineni the Krack director. The movie will be based on real incidents.
Gopichand Malineni is a mass masala director who has done Krack earlier the hit after Corona period. Balakrishna looked trim and slim after crossing the age of 60s.
Right now he is basking in the glory of Akhanda even before the release of the movie. The first look of Balaiah has made a lot of impact on the market.
Director Boyapati is very confident about the movie. After seeing Akhanda and Balaiah the producers are approaching him with movies. Allu Aravind has also signed him for a movie during the shoot of Aha episode for Unstoppable.
Unstoppable has become a super-duper hit on the Aha OTT platform. After Akhanda Balakrishna will be really unstoppable.