Bail first -quash next

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The TDP Chief Chandrababu Naidu should have opted for the bail first and then quash it next. Chandrababu the former CM has been sulking in jail for the last 35 days and is suffering from health issues.

He was in an AC cool atmosphere for the last several decades and now suffering from blisters due to heat. It is like summer in Rajahmundry. The YSRC government led by Jagan is trying to fix the TDP Chief with one case or the other.

Some local experts feel that the Delhi legal experts who were charging crores were not moving in the right direction. There are experts who are finding fault with the judgments also.

The local legal luminaries are of the opinion that they could have obtained the Bail first for Babu and then worked out for the squash petition.

The Supreme Court might give the final judgment on Tuesday with the 17 A rule as the reason. Siddarth Luthra the top advocate of the Supreme Court is of the opinion that there was no base for the arrest of Chandrababu Naidu.

Raghurama Krishna Raju the MP from YSRC also been working it out to see that Chandrababu comes out of jail. Now a cooler has been arranged for Babu in the jail on the orders of the Court.

The people believe that it is a political vendetta against the TDP Chief. The BJP is also getting blamed for the same. Now that the BJP Chiefs of Telugu states have come together and represented the matter to the Minister for Home there could be some relief for Babu soon.

There is a lot of sympathy for Babu as soon as he was arrested and put in jail. Now Lokesh and other family members are being implicated in various cases.

All said and done YSRC Chief and CM Jagan will be facing the music in the coming days and might lose this election.

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