Babus security breach

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“From now on, if anyone touches my feet, I will touch their feet in reciprocal. I want to put an end to this tradition by any means. One must only touch the feet of their parents and god himself, but not politicians. I want to start this new trend by stopping party workers and the public from touching my feet.” Chandrababu Naidu remarked.

It is a common sight to see party cadres touch the feet of politicians to be in their good books. But Naidu is seeing this as a self-belittling act and has called to curb the same. This a good decision.

Babu must also stop taking flowers and boquets. He must suggests the leaders fans and followers not to waste money on flowers and instead donate the same for some charity or the other.

The people must stop buying this and instead donate the same to someone or the other. Babu these days is not taking the flowers also. He is just touching them and going back. Sometimes his security is taking them.

Today almost a lady hugged him and he could not say no or avoid her.

The security people should have stopped the lady. They were just looking at her and it was definitely a breach of security.

Even after having dozens of security around a lady was able grab Naidu by his trunk and embrace him. Other ladies moved closer for photos and selfies.

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