Babu must review TTD

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The YSRC regime has spoiled the TTD completely. They have increased the ticket rate Laddu rate and there is no proper accommodation here on the hill shrine.

Subba Reddy for two times and now Bhumna are doing nothing for the welfare of the pilgrims. The board members just planned to increase te ticket rates of all Darashans and also introduced the Srivani tickets for Rs 10000.

The new Government must see that te rates come down and become pilgrim-friendly. The income is going up but the rates are not coming down. The food in the free canteen in the name of Prsadam has no proper quality. The funds have been diverted by the TTD.

Pilgrims unable to bear the heat on the road are tying gunny sacks to the foot and walking on the TTD streets. There is every need for walkways with shade on TTD.

There is no subsidy canteen on the TTD. The Coffee board canteen is good but it must be improved with the help of TTD. SVBC should get the right CEO and not a joker like 30 years Prudhvi.

He is fit to be an actor and not a CEO for Bhakti channel like SVBC. The TTD has enough money where it can provide things free for the Pilgrims. The room rents must come down drastically.

All sevas should be with the Online system. It would be better of the VIPs are given just two days in a week so that all other days they would not disturb the regular pilgrims.

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