Chandrabau Naidu the CM of AP who was in Delhi met Kejriwal and other leaders and was trying to garner their support against Prime Minister Modi and BJP. He addressed a Press meet where he said that the BJP was blaming the TDP for the attack on the YSRC chie Jagan Maohan Reddy.
Earlier in the morning he also charged that the vested interests were trying to create communal tensions in Andhra Pradesh and disturb the law and order. He also found fault with the Governor narasimhan for seeking a report from the DGP on the attack of the YSRC chief Jagan. This goes against the rules of the governance Chandrababu opined.
He said that the people will teach a lesson to the BJP in the coming elections. The NDA government is adopting all lopsided polcies and not coming to the rescue of the Government in AP he said.
It looks like babu is trying to form a front aginst the BJP in the near future. He is already in touch with the Congress chief Rahul Gandhi and fighting the elections in Telangana in alliance with the Congress party.