Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has started using a hand mike. All these days he was using a cordless small mike unit around his ear. But today he was seen using a mike and also a steel stick pointed to show the points of power presentation.
Earlier he was using a light pointer to the screen. Noe he is using a stick and behaved like a professor. Chandrababu accused the exploitation natural resources over the past five years.
He claims that forests were destroyed by the previous government and has released a white paper in the Secretariat detailing the exploitation of natural resources. According to Chandrababu, lands and minerals were looted and alleged that there were land grabs in Visakhapatnam, Ongole, and Chittoor, under the guise of house construction. Chandrababu expressed his outrage at the exploitation of natural resources, stating that a new system has been put in place to prevent such actions. Chandrababu Naidu also found fault with Land Titling Act.
He explained to the media on various ways as to how the natural resources were exploited and grabbed by the then rulers.