Avoid constipation like this

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Constipation is one of the major issues that the people are facing across the world. But with some precautions, it can be managed easily without the intervention of the doctor in general.

1.Lemon water helps hydrate the body and stimulates bowel movements. The citric acid in lemon juice aids digestion and encourages the production of bile, which helps soften stools.

2.Aloe vera juice has natural laxative properties that soothe the digestive tract and promote bowel regularity. It also helps reduce inflammation in the intestines.

3.Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-rich beverage that helps hydrate the body and regulate bowel movements. It also contains fibre and enzymes that aid digestion.

4.Fennel seeds contain compounds that relax the muscles of the digestive tract and relieve constipation. They also help reduce bloating and gas.

5.Mint tea has antispasmodic properties that relax the muscles of the digestive tract and alleviate constipation.

6.Chia seeds are rich in soluble fibre, which absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in the intestines, promoting bowel movements.

7.Yogurt contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that promote gut health and regular bowel movements. It also helps restore the balance of gut flora.

8, Intake of Plain hot water also helps in relieving the constipation in no time.

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