Amazon will die one day-CEO Bezos

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Amazon will fail one day said the CEO Jeff Bezos. It is not too big to fail and the only thing we can do is tell the employees on the postponement of the failure from time to time. Bezos also opined that Amazon may go bankrupt one day.The life maybe 30 or 40 years for the company and it cannot be 100 years Bezos predicted. He said to the employees is that the goal of everyone is to prolong the death of the company.


He predicted the failure of the company one day or the other. Large companies will not be there for more than 30 years he opined.Don’t focus on ourselves, just focus on the customers and serve them well he suggested. That will keep the company going forward he explained. Customer service is the crux of the matter he stated. We have to keep trying and delay the death of the company and that is possible with the customer service he said.

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