All eyes are on TTD

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The people are looking at Chandrababu the new CM for making TTD common man friendly. The rates of Laddu, Darshan tickets must be reduced.

This three months advance booking of darshan tickets must be stopped.

The people want a chairman who is already rich and does not make any money from the TTD. Ashoka Gajapathi Raju will be the rich choice.

There is an endowment minister Anam Ram Naraya Reddy already. However the CM must monitor the system on a regular basis.

Expressing satisfaction over the allotment of food, civil, supplies, consumer affairs, tourism, culture, and cinematography portfolios to JS ministers Nandenla Manohar and Kadula Durgesh, Pawan Kalyan said the government will focus on distributing all essentials to ration card holders through fair price shops.

Subsequently, religious tourism will be developed to generate more employment opportunities in the state. The quality of the food being served free of cost from the TTD annaprasadam canteens must improve a lot.

The business of this Emerlad sweets fellow to lord giving some food in the name of tradition must be stopped. It is made of millets and it is like a contract from the sweet house who sells sweets by spraying ghee on them in the name of ghee sweets.

There is no need for TTD to make money in the form of commercial business. God gets crores on daily basis no there is no need of selling tickets at higher rates.
The broker system on TTD must stop.

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