A National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court at Nampally in Hyderabad acquitted all the five accused, including Swami Aseemanand, in the case of an attack on the Mecca Masjid 11 years ago.
The NIA had originally charged 10 right-wing activists of plotting and carrying out the attack using an IED device on May 18, 2007.
One of the accused, Sunil Joshi of Madhya Pradesh, a former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) pracharak, was murdered while the case was being investigated.
Two other accused, Sandeep V. Dange, former RSS pracharak, and Ramchandra Kalsangra, electrician-cum-RSS activist, also from Madhya Pradesh, have been eluding the investigators.
Investigations against another two from the same State, Tejram Parmar and Amith Chowhan, are still continuing.
Investigators framed charges against the remaining accused, RSS pracharak Devendra Guptha of Rajasthan, RSS activist Lokesh Sharma of MP, godman Nabakumar Sarkar alias Swamy Aseemanand of Gujarat, private employee Bharat Mohanlal Rateshwar of Gujarat and farmer Rajender Chowdary of MP.