Stepping down does not mean that he has done some mistake or going out. Alibaba’s Jack Ma is all set to move away from the company to the grassroots.
That is the area from where he has come to this level that is Education. He was a teacher before starting Alibaba and becoming a rich man.
Jack Ma will step down by this month end and give away the reins to CE Daniel Zhang. Jack who co-founded the company about 20 years ago is now the world’s biggest 3-commerce company. The company is built on talent and it has to be developed further said Jack.
Jack was a school teacher in China and he is headquartered now. Jack is the richest man in the world and is all set to go back to his original field that is education. The billionaire mentioned the same in a letter.
Even after giving away the company to be run by Zhang, Ma will continue for another year so that the transition of the power becomes easy for the new man coming in.
Ma’s net worth is $36.6 billion.