Ajit Pawar the Deputy CM of Maharashtra has resigned. It’s clear that there are no numbers with the BJP. Ajith has no numbers with him and that is the reason he was forced to resign.
On the other hand, the floor test to prove the majority by the BJP Government is fixed for 27nth at 5 Pm. The proceedings will be live.
The court yesterday has reserved the verdict on the Maharashtra politics. it was like giving one more day to the BJP. Congress called it the murder of democracy.
The NCP, Congress and Sena claimed that they have the affidavits of the 154 MLAs and they must get the opportunity to form the Government. The judgement will be pronounced at 10.30 tomorrow. Protem speaker will be appointed to oversee the floor test.
Satyamaeva Jayathe Tweets the NCP.
They called the Fadnavis government an illegitimate one. The Congress is hopeful that the law of the land would be upheld by the court. The BJP and Ajit power have no numbers the opposition claimed.
Meanwhile, the MLAs of the NCP, Congress and Sena are kept in hotels are being watched from time to time. NCP claims that they have more than 40 MLAs.