Hero Nandamuri Balakrishna underwent shoulder surgery during the film Akhanda. After Akhanda now he is doing Jai Balaiah with Gopichand Malineni of Krack fame.
He has to undergo knee surgery. Akhanda Balakrishna underwent knee surgery at a hospital in Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad. The team of doctors performed surgery for hours to repair the actor’ knee.
Like Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna is also doing half a dozen films and is very busy at work. Four films are under production and two of them are in the pipeline.
Balakrishna is a director’s actor and will always come to work on time. If he likes the director Balakrishna will have no questions at all.
Balayya Babu has been suffering from knee pain for a while and based on the advice of doctors, he decided to undergo surgery. Akhanda star is currently recuperating and he is expected to take a rest for two weeks before joining the sets of his upcoming project.
Right now he is basking in the glory of Akhanda.