Minister for IT and Industries K Taraka Rama Rao said that Revanth Reddy will soon join the BJP with a dozen MLAs for the sake of money as the Congress is not going to win the elections and come to power.
Revanth is having RSS background and the BJP will take him into the fold as they will not get the required majority opined KTR.
Revanth is already in the Vote for note case and soon he will be in the note-for-seat case. There are allegations that the TPCC Chief Revanth is selling the MLA seats for money and that too in crores.
KTR said that the people are with KCR and they are going to give him a hattrick. KTR was speaking in a public meeting after launching some welfare schemes and development works.
As KCR is suffering from viral fever and chest infection, KTR is extensively touring the length and breadth of Telangana. Harish Rao is also launching various things under the Medical and Health department.
The KCR Naashta is getting good responses from the school students. KTR is confident that the BRS will come to power again. The elections are expected in the month of November.
The BRS is ahead as KCR has already announced the candidates for the coming election. KCR will create a new record in South India by winning the elections said KTR.
The leaders who don’t get MLA seats will be honored with the nominated posts KTR assured.