The woman allegedly seen in sacked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) minister Sandeep Kumar’s sex CD filed a police complaint against Kumar . Soon thereafter, the former minister surrendered before the Deputy Commissioner of Police office in Rohini.
The Delhi Police has booked Kumar under rape charges (Section 376) while the woman has been sent for a medical examination, said reports.
The woman claimed that she had gone to visit the former minister for an issue related to her ration card. But Kumar gave her a ‘cold drink laced with drugs’, after drinking which she lost her consciousness.
AAP suspended Kumar from the primary membership of the party. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had sacked Kumar after receiving a nine-minute-long CD in which Kumar was purportedly shown in a compromising position with a woman. Kejriwal had said that AAP stood for “propriety in public life”.
Commenting on Kumar’s “misdeeds”, Kejriwal had said that his former Cabinet colleague has betrayed the party and the people of Delhi.
He said that Sandeep Kumar was a “rotten fish” which was immediately removed after its illness came to light.