People say if one knows the Aadhar number, knowing an individual’s bank account details is also easy. Now people say if you are on facebook knowing your details is also easy.
The Indian government is planning to summon Zucker Berg for compromising on the data of the Indian Individuals. Zucker has agreed that FB has done some mistakes. Aadhar givers have also done mistakes as they could not keep the data as a secret.
Like Facebook, anyone can find out the data of individuals on Google.
In early times people had ration cards but no one breached the data from these cards. But now after Aadhar lot of information is going to others as it is linked to everything. To be precise Aadhar has not benefited any individual except for spending the money on Xerox shops to attach to something or the other.
The Xerox shops are making a lot of money on making the Aadhar copies on daily basis. The shop owners must thank Nandan Nilakeni for coming up what this idea of Aadhar soon after coming out of Infosys.
Everone demands for Aadhar identity, the court says no need of an Aadhar. Even after Aadhar people might ask you for something to prove to yourself that you are a human.
The Bank people ask for your signature on Aadhar while taking the money while giving money. They doubt if it is your real signature. They say it has changed. They ask is this your account, they ask is this you Aadhar.
People lived happily without Aadhar. Voter ID was the biggest identity. You are asked for ID proof, Residential proof so on and so forth. How long this Aadhar continues to harass the people is to be seen. If foreigners don’t recognise your ID as an identity then what is the use of this card is the real question.
In the name software and Aadhar the banks are looting money especially the SBI. Simple transactions take half days time. People are withdrawing accounts left and right from all the banks.
People using registers for entries were better than these computers, IDs and software.
As the court has directed banks not to have any deadline for Aadhar, let’s hope the bankers will not harass us.Voter ID is the best ID. Aadhar is just business for companies and Xerox machines.