AAP should quit Delhi says BJP

AAP should quit Delhi says BJP
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BJP leaders said  Kejriwal and AAP should quit the Delhi government and go for fresh elections, taking the MCD results as an indicator of the public disapproval.

Former AAP leader Yogendra Yadav was scathing in his critique of the party that expelled him in 2015, months after winning the Delhi state election.After losing the Delhi election, Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said today that the results indicate an “EVM wave, not Modi wave”. The party has decided to launch a national campaign against what it alleges are faulty EVMs or Electronic Voting Machines.
 AAP should quit Delhi says BJP
“This chamatkari (magical) victory of the BJP – this is only EVM lehar (wave) not Modi lehar,”said Gopal Rai, adding, “The entire country has to think how to be free of this EVM-wave.”

Kejriwal met with his top lieutenants including deputy Manish Sisodia and Gopal Rai as it became clear in early counting that AAP was losing in Delhi just two years after it came to power with a spectacular mandate in state polls. The leaders together watched the results on TV of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi or MCD elections held on Sunday.
 AAP should quit Delhi says BJP
As exit polls had predicted, the BJP raced to a massive victory while AAP was fighting the Congress for the number 2 spot. Sources say the party was not expecting a victory after its workers’ feedback from the ground a day after voting. Around 155 AAP members who were at polling stations reported to Mr Kejriwal on Monday.

“Faulty EVMs” has been AAP’s go-to theme after recent poll setbacks. The party has ascribed a leading role to EVMs in its recent defeats, including in Punjab and Goa.

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