UP CM Adityanath on his first day in office with the Uttar Pradesh police chief, expressed concern over the killing of a leader in Allahabad last night. He almost warned the Police chief to set the things right other wise they might have to face the music.
Yogi Adityanath, ordered Ahmed to come up with a blueprint for better policing in Uttar Pradesh within 15 days, after consulting with police officers of all districts.He wanted the law and order to be in place and in control . Yogi Adityanath also met the Chief Secretary, the state’s top bureaucrat, at the VVIP guest house where he is currently staying. He is expected to meet principal secretaries of all departments.
Yesterday, the Chief Minister held an informal meeting with his cabinet immediately after being sworn in.In his first big anti-corruption move, he has asked all his ministers to submit to him details of their assets and wealth within 15 days. Ministers have also been warned against speaking to the media except through Shrikant Sharma and Siddharth Nath Singh, who will be spokespersons for the UP government.
The two seniormost lawmakers of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh will be in charge of training other elected members on how to coordinate with the government. The BJP won 312 seats in the 403-member UP assembly and many of its lawmakers are first-timers.
A meeting with all departmental secretaries is also among his appointments today. Since his takeover, there has been speculation of a bureaucratic shuffle. The new Chief Minister moves into his official 5 Kalidas Marg residence in Lucknow today. Seven priests from Gorakhpur performed housewarming rituals before the move.