Prime Minister Narendra Modi questioned the law and order and development record of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav saying “ he has lost the game.”
“Supreme Court had to intervene to ask U.P. police to lodge FIR against Minister Gayatri Prajapati, allegedly involved in rape and murder,” the Prime Minister told a BJP campaign meeting in Fatehpur. “Goonda raj is prevailing all over U.P. Police stations have become Samajwadi Party offices,” he added.
The Prime Minister also alleged that “development was in exile for 10 years in Uttar Pradesh”. He also attacked the Congress for allying with the SP. “After 27 saal, UP behal slogan, Congress formed alliance with SP,” he said. “Those born with silver spoon in mouth realised situation not in their favour.”
Noted Bhojpuri film actor Ravi Kishan on Sunday joined the BJP in presence of party chief Amit Shah. Mr. Kishan, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, was earlier in the Congress.
BJP leaders hope that his campaign for the party will help in eastern Uttar Pradesh, which will go to the polls in the coming phases, where Bhojpuri films enjoy a huge following.
He told reporters that the party works for the poor and focuses on development.