CM K. Chandrashekhar Rao today congratulated the Hyderabad City and Telangana State Police for achieving National eGovernance Gold Award from the Ministry of Administrative Reforms, Govt of India.
The CM said “we are proud of Telangana Police for their use of digital technologies and information communication technology to enhance quality of service to citizens and performance of duty in maintaining public safety and security through persistent efforts in maintaining law and order in the state.
Hyderabad City Police is the only Police Department in the country among all the Recipients of Awards in National eGovernance Awards this year.
Out of 261 nominations from across all Government Organizations, both State and Central in 12 categories, 20 initiatives have been finally selected for the awards.
Hyderabad City Police, Hawk Eye is one among them. We got Gold Award among the 9 Gold Awardees in the final list of Awardees.
The Award carries a Citation, a memento and Cash of Rs 2,00,000/-.