Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi would launch the river linking project on 25 December 2024. Talking about this scheme, Shri Chouhan the Union Minister said that sometimes many parts of the country are experiencing flood and while others parts are seen to have affected by drought-like situations.
To deal with such, a special river linking project will soon be launched under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
This scheme will benefit those areas which receive heavy rainfall and those areas which face drought. The Agriculture Minister said that we should develop such technology which can irrigate more with less water.
Stressing on reducing the cost of production to boost the agriculture sector, Shri Chouhan said that last year his government had provided 1.94 metric tonnes of subsidy to farmers. If a farmer needs money immediately, he does not have to go to the money lender for this.
Therefore, the government has provided him the facility of Kisan Credit Card to provide him money immediately. Between 2014 and 2024,his government is giving at least double minimum support price on many products, due to which farmers are getting relief on a large scale.
He said that we should not depend on imports all the time and should make such policies which can provide more benefits to the farmers.