New PAN card soon

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A new PAN card is all set to be introduced by the central Government soon. PAN cards will now feature an embedded QR code for enhanced functionality and security.

PAN will be a universal identifier for businesses across specified government digital systems.The project will re-engineer taxpayer registration processes and consolidate PAN/TAN services into a unified platform.

The project focuses on being eco-friendly, cost-efficient, secure, and fast.

Taxpayer registration services will become faster and more user-friendly.

Existing PAN holders can upgrade to PAN 2.0 at no additional cost.

A unified system will improve service delivery and ensure data consistency.

No, you need not apply for a new PAN card. Under the PAN 2.0 initiative, your existing PAN card will remain valid, and the upgrades, including the QR code feature, will be made available without any action from current cardholders.

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