Tomato at Rs 100

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Sky is the limit for the Tomato rates. Tomato prices have surged, with the cost per kilogram nearing Rs 100, a sharp increase from Rs 20 to 30 just a month and a half ago. Currently, the price of tomatoes ranges from Rs 60 to 80 per kg at Rythu Bazars and wholesale shops,while in retail markets, the price is approaching Rs 100.

The Onion rates are also in the rise.

Vegetable vendors attribute the price hike to a supply shortage caused by recent heavy rains, which damaged crops. Typically, prices tend to decrease during this season and rise again in the summer.

But it is the other way around. Overall the vegetables rates in general are going up in the market.Tomato and Onion are widely used by all the sections of society for chutney and also curry.

Raw Onion is used in many ways for selling mixture, bajjis , snacks and other things. The centre is finding ways and means to reduce the rates of these vegetables. Hotels and curry centres are finding it very difficult to maintain the old rates.

The customers are not getting the raw onion with the snacks.

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