India is on the right track

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FM Nirmala Sitharaman underlined India needs to be conscious of the fact that if a country’s development needs to be measured, it is not going to be defence capabilities but what I do everything right for the population which is getting education, health and so on.

The country needs to build institutional capabilities which is to look at the strength of the banks, the infrastructure the country has and the health of the companies.

What has made a big difference to India, particularly in its economy is, bringing all sections towards the mainstream economic activity which is digitising our Indian economy. That has revolutionised what several governments over 50 years could not achieve” she said.

“People have walked into this world of digital activity and as a result you will find the economy has got strength from below and little wheels are moving, making the giant wheel (Indian economy) easy to move,” she said.

“People have walked into this world of digital activity and as a result you will find the economy has got strength from below and little wheels are moving, making the giant wheel (Indian economy) easy to move,”she said. The institutional capabilities have to be
strengthened and that would make the Indian economy a lot more sure of how to move forward, she added.

She was confident that India will achieve the target of 5 trillion economy.

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