Krishnastami greetings

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On this auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, I extend my best wishes and the heartiest greetings to all. The Governor of TG said.

Lord Sri Krishna, the embodiment of eternal wisdom, enunciated the profound truth of performing one’s sacred duty with unwavering faith, without attachment to the fruits of actions, surrendering all outcomes to the Divine Will.

The timeless teachings of Lord Sri Krishna, as enshrined in the Bhagavad Gita, have
withstood the test of time, guiding countless souls on the path of dharma. His divine
message continues to illuminate the path of righteousness, inspiring generations to lead
lives of honesty, sincerity, devotion, and detachment from worldly desires.

May we all walk the path of dharma and virtue as shown by Lord Sri Krishna, serving
society with selflessness and love.

On this auspicious occasion, I once again convey my best wishes to all, with a prayer
that peace, prosperity, and harmony shall flourish, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and unity in our Telangana State.

I am wishing everyone a blessed and joyous Sri Krishna Janmashtami!

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