Story first -hero next

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With the emergence of OTT platforms and alternate entertainment options being made available, it is time for directors to pull theirsleeves and come up with content-rich films rather than relying on formulae and combinations.

There is every alternative to the silver screen now at every home in various forms of entertainment. The cine-goers will not come to the theatres unless and until it is a good movie with real and strong content.

It is time to realise that big stars and big directors cannot give a hit without proper content. The storyline must be right first. Script must be the hero and the hero must be selected to suit the script.

Music for lyrics should be the priority and not lyric for the tune. In the same fashion hero for the story. Puri, Harish and others failed with the films. Aay is doing Ok in the theatres with comedy as the base.

It should be budget for the movie requirement and not a story for the budget. The story writers must just write the story and not bother about the hero. They must have the bound script with shot division.

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