Triple talaq is pathetic

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The Government is defending the Triple Talaq in every way for the benefit of the Muslim women. While many Muslim intellectuals have welcome the new legislation against Triple Talaaq, some cutter Muslims and Muslim leaders are opposing it.

The practice of ‘triple talaq’ is “fatal for the social institution of marriage” and “makes Muslim women’s condition very pathetic”, the government argued Monday in an affidavit filed before the Supreme Court.

The government said the top court’s setting aside of the practice -that had been held valid among certain Muslim communities – in 2017 had “not worked as a sufficient deterrent in bringing down the number of divorces by this practice” among members of those communities.

” The lady victims of ‘triple talaq’ have no option but to approach the police… and the police were helpless as no action could be taken against husbands in the absence of punitive provisions in the law. In order to prevent (this) there was an urgent need for stringent legal provisions,” the government said.

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