These foods are good

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One must have all kinds of foods in moderation.

Anything in excess is bad for health. Ghee is often called a superfood because it is rich in nutrients. But too much of a good thing can be bad. Heating ghee too much can create unhealthy compounds. So, use a spoonful to make your meals tasty, but avoid deep-frying with it.

Enjoy ghee in moderation to get its benefits.

Rice is a great source of energy and a staple in many diets. You do not have to cut it out completely, according to the Nutritionist. Just make sure to balance your meals with protein and fibre to avoid blood sugar spikes.

Think of rice as a “great companion, not the main event.”

Indian pickles are packed with probiotics and antioxidants, making them a superfood. But Dr Agarwal says that their tangy flavour means they are high in sodium. So, use them as a flavour booster in small amounts, and don’t overdo it. A little pickle with rice or roti can indeed go a long way.

Coconut is the best source of healthy fats and MCTs, says the nutritionist. It is packed with nutrients but it is also high in calories. So, enjoy coconut as part of a balanced diet, and enjoy it in moderation.

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