TTD EO reviews the accommodation

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Getting rooms is a big issue on TTD. You have to book rooms in Advance and must have darshan ticket for the same. Now the new EO have reviewed the situation of accommodation on Tirumala.

In the PowerPoint presentation, the Reception officials briefed EO about number of rooms available in Tirumala and maximum number of pilgrims that could be accommodated.

The EO also reviewed on CD Refund, Facial Recognition mechanisms besides identifying middle men and the ways to control their menace, accommodation available in Tirupati, new PACs in offing, and other related issues in detail.

He said maximum pilgrims should get the accommodation by minimising the middle men menace and instructed IT wing to come out with pilgrim-friendly measures in the Reception wing.

Later he directed the officials concerned to give him the lists about details of persons who are repeatedly availing accommodation, improper vacation of rooms and other issues.

Reception wing DyEOs Sri Harindranath, Sri Bhaskar, GM IT Sri Sandeep Reddy, GM Transport Sri Sesha Reddy, OSD Sri Satre Naik, AEO Computers Sri Venkateswarlu Naidu and others were present.

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