Fish and chips at 111 years

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There are many people across the world who have lived for hundred years and there are some who have crossed hundred also. While some of them talk about the food they eat, some others say it is pure luck and also hereditary.

The world’s oldest living man, 111-year-old Briton John Tinniswood, said his longevity was “just luck” and there was no special secret to his diet – although his favourite food was fish and chips every Friday.

Tinniswood, who has been retired for more than half a century, inherited the Guinness World Records title from Venezuelan Juan Vicente Perez Mora, 114, whose death was announced earlier this week.

Born in 1912 in Merseyside, northern England, retired accountant and former postal service worker Tinniswood clocks in at 111 years and 222 days.

Happiness and luck are also the reasons for a human being to live long and cross the hundred mark. Good food is also one of the reasons.

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