Pharma villages soon

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Fire Services wing is the first one to respond when a mishap occurs. Fire fighters are always ready to protect other people by putting their lives at risk stated Revanth Reddy the CM .

Hyderabad city is competing with the world and also ideal for investments. The city will attract huge investments only when law and order is maintained.

The development of Hyderabad is at a pace in the last 30 years irrespective of the political developments.

Apart from continuing the decisions taken by the previous government, we will take some more steps for the development of Hyderabad and take the city at higher level.

 Government will bring Mega Master plan for the development of Telangana. We will introduce "mega master plan 2050" soon. The state development will be taken up in three parts – Urban , Semi Urban and Rural development.

We will set up a city with health, sports and pollution-free industries on a sprawling 25,000 acres near the Outer Ring Road ( ORR).

Metro services will be expanded in tune with the requirements of people.

The government will set up Pharma Villages and not Pharma Cities. My government has a clear policy and there is no room for misconceptions.

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