GV Prakash the music director has once again given a timely update on his work regarding his compositions on time, and within a matter of few days, we’ll see what he has cooked up in the film this time.
Yes we are talking about the Dhanush starrer Captain Miller which will be released on 12th. We do not know if it is getting released in Telugu along with Guntur Kaaram of Mahesh.
The film is already confirmed to be a three-part film franchise with a prequel film and a sequel film to come along depending on the success of this movie.
The director also in a recent interview revealed that in a 120-day shoot schedule of the film, they utilized 75 days just for shooting action sequences.
The film revolves around the character Miller a former British soldier, who embarks on a mission to safeguard his village from the British, who are after a hidden treasure protected by the villagers.