Krishna Madiga weeps with Modi

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Manda Krishna Madiga wept by holding the hands of PM Modi on the stage here at the Parade Grounds. Modi came to address the Vishwaroop meeting of the Madigas here in Hyderabad.

He wanted Modi to do the categorization for the Scs. Modi consoled Madiga by rubbing him on the back and by holding Madigas hands. The Madigas in the South will support the BJP in the future Krishna assured.

Madigas from all the political parties have come here and they will support Modi he said. He praised Modi left and right here on the stage. He compared Modi with Ambedkar. Mahila reservation was given by Modi and the SC categorisation has to be done he said.

No politics just support Modi and take the categorisation he suggested. Madiga described Modi as Peddanna of the country. Modi made Dali as the president of the country he reminded.

Madigas and other dalits came in large numbers for the meeting in Hyderabad. Madiga said they never expected Modi to come to the meeting here.

There was good response to the speech of Modi. SC categorization has been pending for the last 30 years.

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