Chaganti is the advisor to TTD

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The TTD has decided to appoint renowned spiritual speaker and scholar Brahmasri Chaganti Kotewara Rao as the Advisor for TTD Dharmic programmes.

To take Hindu Dharma Prachara activities in a wide manner in the remote villages involving rural youth. More such programmes are to be designed.

The TTD will provide necessary Bhajana and kolatam materials to the villagers to organise Bhajana and Kolatam programmes.

To conduct Yagas and Homams in every place seeking divine intervention for the well-being of humanity.

As TTD has been conducting various Parayanams for the past three years for the sake of global devotees, the Committee felt the need of proper guidance from a renowned person who is versatile in this area and referred to the name of Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao.

The SVBC provide more qualitative live programmes on SVBC since they have a global following

It will telecast the pilgrimage experience of the devotees who are thronging to Tirumala through trek routes, and other modes of transportation from across the country and even overseas

SVBC will enhance the devotional quotient among the youth, programmes like “Adivo Alladivo” will be telecasted even in Kannada and Hindi SVBC.

Akin to Telugu and Tamil SVBC, the Kannada and Hindi channels will also have to be popularized among the public by designing and telecasting unique devotional programmes.

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