BRS will fight the election along with Kumar Swamy Gowda of JDS to make him the CM of Karnataka. The BRS will get the farmer’s rule in the country stated KCR after the launch of the party here in Hyderabad.
The country needs a new financial direction he opined. He addressed a meeting soon after the launch of the BRS here in Hyderabad.
BRS is for the development of the country he announced. BRS will bring in all the awareness in the country announced. The Pink flag will fly high on the Red Fort he exuded confidence.
He will be visiting the BRS Delhi office on 14nth.
KCR brought the idea of BRS to scare the BJP in other states with his freebies and the Telugu population present there. With Gujarat’s victory, KCR’s statements over BJP will carry no value in other states.
So, the proposed tour to other states will be put on hold. At the same time, BJP will come hard at Telangana with rejuvenated vigor as the state will be their immediate target.
it is important that KCR concentrate on home for now. Elections in Telangana are supposed to happen in December 2023. He has to time the elections in a way to control the anti-incumbency and the saffron surge.
There are people who say that the BRS will be useful for the division of the vote and this will help BJP in winning the seats across the country.