Chief Secretary Sri Somesh Kumar IAS held a meeting with the officials of various heads of departments at BRKR Bhavan today and took stock of the arrangements being made for the visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Ramagundam on 12.11.2022. Chief Secretary directed the officials to work in co-ordination and make Hon’ble Prime Minister’s visit to the State a Grand success. He directed Police Department to make adequate security arrangements, Law and Order and Bandobast at Ramagundam and Hyderabad. Chief Secretary also held a teleconference with Peddapally Collector S.Sangeetha Satyanarayana, CP Ramagundam S.Chandrasekhar Reddy and CEO Ramagundam Fertilizers AK Jain and reviewed the arrangements made for the honourable Prime Minister’s visit.
DGP M.Mahender Reddy, Special Chief Secretary Energy Sri Sunil Sharma, Prl.Secretary Home Ravi Gupta, Secretary GAD Seshadri, Secretary, TR&B K.S.Sreenivasa Raju, DG Fire Service Sanjay Kumar Jain and other officials attended the meeting.